
Travel Specialist Destinations

As Travel Specialists we only sell destinations we know! Why do we do that?  Because we want to bring the very best experiences for you! Far more than quoting others to you, we can bring South America alive based on our own personal experiences meaning your next South America journey, be it your first or tenth will be your best! Remember always travel with a Travel Specialist!

You won’t be surprised that we at South America Travel Specialist have this continent deep in our heart, having first visited in 1998 and frequent visitors since then and we are always thrilled to share the dream. Our best experiences have been the surprising moments but also making sure we don’t rush things – like for example having Machu Picchu to ourselves because we were in no rush to leave. South America is really made for adventure, adrenaline and a taste of the exotic, it’s mysterious, steamy and wild. So if you’re on for that kind of thing, check out these places.

And as we at South America Travel Specialists like to do, let’s take it a different way to usual, and go from the icy tip of South America up to the Caribbean tropics.

Chile walkers in French Valley Torres del Paine

Argentina, Chile

Go way down south to Argentina where our tours combine wilderness, gastronomy and culture. We make sure your Argentina journey is full of the good things in life and plenty of passion. It’s similar in Chile where even when you stay in some of the best wilderness lodges in the world with South America Travel Specialist we make sure you get out and about.


Brazil is the biggest country on the continent and impossible to see everything so pick a sample of the cities, beaches and wildlife or mix these up with our tours to match. We have some amazing guide in Brazil and some amazing off the beaten track places to show you.

Horse riding in the sea in Trancoso

Peru kayaking on Lake Titicaca

Peru, Ecuador and the Galapagos Island

As for Peru, most people think it’s all about Machu Picchu and the mountains but we’ll show you how you can see it in glamour and get off the tourist path.

Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands are all about the wildlife and the mountains and we’ll make sure you experience it without the crowds and in a more sustainable way.


Colombia is rising to the top of the wish list charts so get there while it’s still authentic and an adventure. It’s a mix of mountains and Caribbean tropics, it’s unlike anywhere else we can think of that’s why we think you must go.

Colombia golden sands Tayrona

Costa Rica two rafts Pacuare River

Costa Rica

We are passionate advocates for Costa Rica as it shows how the environment can be protected with everyone involved. Plus we just want to zip wire through the forest again and swim in the Pacific after spotting dolphins. It great for families, honeymooners, in fact, everyone and anyone.


The island of Cuba is technically Caribbean but has that distinct culture that makes it Latin American. It just so different from the rest of the world, and it’s that culture and uniqueness which we get to the heart of in our tours.

Not forgetting that many of these countries can easily be combined, you don’t have to stick to one place. We can arrange private jets and long journeys to cover the whole continent.